Parish School of Religion (PSR)
**Bilingual Option Available
PSR is open to all public school students entering grades Kindergarten through 5 for the school year. Volunteer catechists and assistants are needed annually to staff each grade. What better way to share your knowledge of our faith and communicate it than this rewarding ministry?
- Classes are held Wednesdays from 6:30 to 7:45 pm (see below for calendar). If your child will be absent from class we ask that you contact his/her catechist directly or email [email protected]. Emergencies can be called in directly to 618-656-6917 during PSR.
- If District 7 schools are cancelled because of weather, PSR is also cancelled for that evening.
- Communication with PSR families will be done primarily through Flocknote. Please visit to sign up. Paper updates can be made available upon request.
- We are asking all families new to PSR to submit a copy of their child’s baptismal certificate if the child was not baptized at St. Boniface.
“… where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them …”Matthew 18: 15-20